Public Hearing Notices


Public Hearing Notice - Planning & Zoning

Post Date:06/29/2023 12:00 pm

Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Moorhead will hold a Public Hearing at the Hjemkomst Center Auditorium, 201 1st Ave N, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 5:30 pm to consider the following items:

1. Request of Lowry Engineering, on behalf of Summit Sand & Gravel, Inc. & West Holdings LLC, for Vacation of two 5-foot easements described as:


Along the south boundary of Lot 10, Block 1, Twelfth Avenue Business Park Addition, which runs S89-57-34E for a distance of 301.45 feet, then continues N53-47-41E for 124.72 feet, excluding the westerly 5 feet and easterly 10 feet thereof – 1301 Main Ave SE – Parcel 58.799.0100

Along the north boundary of Lot 1, Block 1, Twelfth Avenue Business Park Second Addition, which runs S89-57-34E for a distance of 301.45 feet, then continues N53-47-41E for 154.72 feet, excluding the westerly 15 feet and easterly 40 feet thereof 1401 Main Ave SE – Parcels 58.801.0010

2. Request of Center Avenue LLC and Edwin & Lorraine Welle, LP for Vacation of a portion of 9th Street North between Blocks 38 and 40 of the Original Moorhead Townsite Plat.  Said right of way being adjacent to Lots 18, 19 and 20 in Block 38, and Lots 5, 6, and 7 in Block 40.

3. Request of Holiday Stationstores, LLC for Preliminary & Final Plat for 3475 28 Ave S – Parcel 58.349.0010 and a portion of 58.900.1062, described as:

Part Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 15, Township 139 North, Range 48 West Of The Fifth Principal Meridian, Clay County, Minnesota Together With Lot 1, Block 1, Horizon Shores Eighth Addition, Clay County Minnesota (abbreviated – full description available upon request).

At the hearing, the City of Moorhead will afford an opportunity for interested persons to be heard with respect to these items.



If you cannot attend the hearing in person and wish to make a comment, please submit oral or written comments no later than noon the day of the meeting to:

Planning & Zoning, PO Box 779, Moorhead, MN 56561 or contact staff at or 218.299.5374

The meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s Youtube Channel and on air on Moorhead Community Access Media (MCAM) on Midco Channel 12 or Sparklight Channel 58.

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