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Alert: 4 Ave N and 30 St N Border States Paving

Post Date:05/21/2024

A contractor for the City of Moorhead has replaced curb and gutter in this area over the last week. Curb removal and replacement involved work in the boulevard extending approximately 2 feet behind the curb and may have impacted in-place sprinkler systems located in the construction zone and within City right-of-way. If residents have sprinkler systems within the City right-of-way, it is recommended to have the system checked by a landscaping company to see if any damage has been done to the system.

Sprinkler systems in City right-of-way are there permissively, therefore, if sprinkler heads or lines within the construction limits and in City right-of-way are damaged, the City will not be liable nor reimburse the cost of repair of sprinklers damaged. 

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