This co-op is a collaboration of individuals and organizations that are interested in purchasing solar together. Altogether, this co-op provides:
- Info to help you understand solar. Our vendor-neutral solar experts are here to help you understand how solar works and make the best decision for your energy needs.
- A direct line to ask specific questions. You can call or email us anytime you need help. We’ll be here now and long after you install solar.
- A team that solicits and reviews proposals from solar companies. First, Solar United Neighbors requests bids on your behalf. Then, a committee of your fellow co-op members meet to assess the pros and cons and select the best installer for the group. (Note: If that sounds interesting to you, you’re also welcome to join the selection committee!)
- Community. You’ll join the growing solar movement. You’ll have a built-in network of support and inspiration from others who, like you, are taking a stand for energy freedom and advancing the clean energy economy.
- A bigger impact! Going solar creates jobs and puts energy production and its benefits back in the hands of the people and contributes to cleaner air and water for everyone. A solar co-op amplifies those outcomes exponentially.
- What: Lakes and Prairies Solar 101
- When: Thursday, January 23 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
- Where: Moorhead Public Library (118 5 St S)
Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. You’ll learn about the technology, economics, financing and more. You’ll also learn about the Solar Co-op in your area. The program is free to join, and members are not obligated to buy solar panels.
Join the co-op at
Members will get:
- A free review of your roof to see if solar panels will work for you
- One-on-one support for all your questions about going solar
- Help with installer proposals, selection and installation expectations
This presentation from the experts at Solar United Neighbors will answer all your questions about going solar. You’ll learn about the solar program, solar technology, and financial considerations for going solar.