Congratulations to Mary Arnholt! On November 13, the Moorhead City Council presented her with the MoorHeart award.
Mary is committed to keeping her community safe by maintaining the accessibility to the fire hydrant near her home during the winter months through the City of Moorhead’s Adopt-a-Hydrant program. For the past 20 years, Mary has worked to keep the hydrant near her home clear of snow and ice to help protect her neighborhood. Mary’s neighbors in the Woodglen Condominium Association wrote in the nomination:
“Mary has lived at this address for 40 years and for 20 of those years she has been taking care of the fire hydrant on the adjacent property next to her driveway. That property and Mary’s home share a property line. The fire hydrant was originally on the north side of Horn Ave and in the middle of the block. A street improvement moved the hydrant from the middle of Horn Ave’s north side to its present location. No one was clearing the snow, dirt and debris from around the hydrant, and Mary assumed the responsibility winter after winter. Her work with a snow blower that’s almost bigger than she is ensures that our neighborhood will have year-round access to the hydrant and the water it provides.”
For all Mary does for those around her, the MoorHeart selection committee chose Mary to receive the MoorHeart award. Mary is a great example of the MoorHeart spirit. Congratulations and thank you to Mary for her ongoing effort to help keep her community safe.
Fortunately for Mary, her neighbors, and Moorhead’s firefighters, other neighbors have accepted the responsibility to keep that hydrant accessible, so she is “passing the shovel.” But many hydrants around Moorhead still need to be adopted for the upcoming winter. Follow Mary’s example and adopt a hydrant today!
The MoorHeart award is an opportunity to recognize individuals who go above and beyond to demonstrate community within our City by their actions and service. A team of volunteers from city boards and commissions selects award recipients. The MoorHeart award is commemorated with a piece of art commissioned from local artist Hudi Kobrinsky especially for this purpose.
It's easy to nominate individuals/organizations for the MoorHeart award. Contributions large and small are worthy of nomination!