Floodplain Maps


Disclaimer: This map information is made available as a public service, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Moorhead, MN, makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use or reuse of the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. The map information is provided "as-is" with no guarantee or representation about the accuracy, currency, suitability, performance, merchantability, reliability, or fitness of the data for any particular purpose. Moorhead, MN, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, compensatory or consequential damages or third party claims resulting from the use of this information, even if the City of Moorhead, MN, has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage.

These maps are not a substitute for accurate field surveys.

Effective FEMA FIRM
This is an interactive map displaying the effective FEMA 100-year and 500-year floodplains. City of Moorhead residents can search by address to see a detailed map showing how the effective 100-year floodplain (SFHA) may affect their property and any structures on the property. When a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) is issued by FEMA, the official Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is not revised even though the property or structure has been removed from the FEMA 100-year floodplain by the LOMA or LOMR.

Accredited Flood Mitigation Projects

The FIRM for the areas identified below has been revised through a Letter of Map Revision.  The revised FIRM shows the area protected from the 1% annual chance of flood by levees, floodwalls, or other structures. Properties within this area have been removed from the 100-year floodplain. FEMA's mandatory flood insurance requirement no longer applies to properties with federally-backed mortgages in this area.  Property owners are encouraged to purchase voluntary flood insurance. Contact your insurance agent for more information.

Historical FEMA Floodplain Maps

Additional City of Moorhead Maps


Email Floodplain staff or call 218.299.5386.