Erosion & Sediment Control Standards

  1. Before beginning any land disturbance or pavement removal, the storm water inlet(s) that receive runoff from the proposed work area must be protected. The temporary inlet protection must remain in place until the construction activity is completed, the street has been swept and any exposed soils are stabilized. The utility contractor is also responsible for removing any temporary inlet protection they installed; after all disturbed areas are stabilized. Temporary protection of the inlets may be accomplished by one or more of the following:
    • Gravel bags to filter the sediment from any runoff. To make a gravel bag, use a bag made of geotextile fabric (not burlap) and fill with either ¾ inch rock or ¼ inch pea gravel.
    • Sediment logs to filter the sediment from any runoff (available through local erosion control suppliers).
    • Above or under-grate filter bags or devices to filter the sediment from any runoff (available through local erosion control suppliers).
    • Other available Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) or control measures providing equivalent protection.
  2. The utility contractor is responsible to ensure that sub-contractors and material suppliers comply with all erosion control requirements.
  3. The utility contractor is required to inspect all erosion control devices at least once each week and after every rainfall of ½ inch or more to ensure that they are working properly. A written report of each inspection must be maintained.
  4. Washout pits for concrete trucks must be provided, as applicable, on site. Pits shall be clearly marked and the location given to each driver. Pits must be cleaned up and backfilled at the end of construction.
  5. During construction activity, measures must be implemented to reduce or eliminate vehicle tracking of sediments off-site. Measures include:
    • Care in loading trucks to minimize spillage onto pavements.
    • Stockpiles of material, either excavated or new material brought in, should be kept to a minimum and not left uncovered for extended periods (seven days), so not to increase the potential for stockpiles to be eroded by wind or rain.
  6. During the period of construction, impervious areas that have been tracked with sediments, or have sediments spilled or eroded onto them, must be swept and the sediments removed by the end of the day. It is not acceptable to use of hoses and water to flush the sediments into the storm inlets.
  7. Water may not be discharged in a manner that causes erosion, sedimentation, or flooding on the site, on downstream properties, in the receiving channels, or in any storm water inlet. When site de-watering, water pumped from the site, including trenches, shall be treated by one of the following:
    • Temporary sedimentation basins
    • Sediment bags
    • Grit chambers
    • Sand filters
    • Other appropriate controls as deemed necessary
  8. Following construction, all disturbed vegetation must be replaced with seed or sod within 7 days of completion of utility installation on the site. The establishment period for sod or seed is 30 days, after which, if the area does not have an acceptable level of establishment, the utility contractor must re-seed or re-sod until satisfactory establishment is achieved.